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Lieu ENS Paris-Saclay

Emploi et stages

Rentrée 2022 : Postdoc for the wave breaking project

A 2 years postdoctoral position is opened at the Centre Borelli in the wave group.

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The ERC Advanced Grant HIGHWAVE (2019-2024) covers simultaneously past, present and future energetic ocean waves. The project research, associated with sustainable environmental science and technology, will help future generations to improve environmental practice. HIGHWAVE is a cutting-edge mathematical project that uses real-time raw data harvested in situ by the project team to develop new models and new algorithms. These new models will provide information about air and water exchange in oceanic environments, boulder deposits, erosion and structural damage.

The key goals expected from this postdoctoral position that will be based at the ENS Paris-Saclay include:

  • Development of the algorithms to clean the raw data and to provide the real-time data at 1-minute intervals from the raw data
  • Development of the Machine Learning algorithms to forecast waves, and to detect breaking and broken waves
  • Comparison of the data obtained from the new concept with data obtained from other concepts such as radar, stereo video, airborne LiDAR. 

Contact : Frédéric DIAS

Description of the postdoctoral position